"I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand."
A topical update on areas of interest!

The Global Economy - How will it affect you?
January 2, 2020
It makes interesting listening and reading. I wonder how many of the predictions will come true?
Follow the link below for more details:

United Nations - International Volunteer Day
December 5, 2019
“If you want to touch the past, touch a rock. If you want to touch the present, touch a flower. If you want to touch the future, touch a life.” Author Unknown
December 4, 2019
Whether you volunteer or not, the UN - International Volunteer Day (IVD) certainly makes you think about the subject?
What does voluntary work say about us as individuals? Perhaps an issue or cause has captured your attention and you are displaying leadership qualities by consciously deciding to help? Individuals often forget that they are providing service to others and the community by undertaking voluntary work in addition to their regular routine. A person may be expanding their horizons, network of people and resources because of their involvement in these activities? You could be having a positive influence on another person's life or vice versa or it could be mutually beneficial? Usually people continue to volunteer because it is interesting and fun. The scope can range from a single act of volunteering in a local community setting to volunteering regularly in a disaster relief area and both are equally valid. Whether it is a business or organization adhering to the ethos of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), a citizen interested in developing a more civil society, for humanitarian reasons or just helping a neighbour; these are all critical components of the volunteer experience.
There is a world of volunteering going on all around us every day. In many cases these services could not be provided without the contribution of volunteers. On December 5, the UN applauds and salutes all volunteers globally for their efforts.
The UN is asking us for International Volunteer Day 2019 to "Volunteer for an inclusive future."
Follow the link below for more details:

What Emergency/Disaster Readiness Planning do you Have in Place?
An article in the AHRI's HRM magazine called "What HR looks like in Emergency Services" may shed some useful light on this subject.
November 7, 2019
A timely reminder given that forest fires currently rage in California in the USA, the Amazon in Brazil and parts of Australia. Even the Rugby World Cup 2019 in Japan had to be shutdown for 24-48 hours because of Typhoon Hagibis. It is clear HR is a key component in emergency management and disaster relief. This article concisely and effectively displays HR's relevance in the areas of prevention, preparedness, response and recovery.
Follow the link below for more details:

Where are you finding workers with critical skills for your business?
Global Mobility
and Immigration Symposium
November 3 - 6, 2019 | Washington, DC
November 1, 2019
How do you increase your talent pool to fill key skill shortages in your organization? It would appear the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) has a possible solution.
"SHRM’s Global Mobility and Immigration Symposium, formerly the Council for Global Immigration’s (CFGI) Symposium brings together government officials, immigration and global mobility professionals, and legal experts for insightful discussion around the most pressing global mobility and workplace immigration issues. Connect, strategize and benchmark with industry peers and foremost experts on actionable solutions for today and the future." (SHRM)
"Predict and manage the global workforce, enhance your organization’s immigration and global mobility strategy, and stay competitive and compliant." (SHRM)
Follow the link below for more details:

It seems banning out-ot-hours emails for employees could have a negative impact on their well-being!? How does your workplace deal with the challenge of reducing email use to avoid burnout?
October 19, 2019
A study from the University of Sussex in the United Kingdom, suggests that "Banning staff from accessing their work emails outside office hours could do more harm than good to employee well-being".
While a ban on out-of-hours emails allowed some employees to disengage and relax. Another group of employees felt the ban prevented them from achieving goals and added additional stress.
The Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) stated it agreed with the university's findings.
Follow the links below for more details:

United Nations - Climate Change Summit 2019
"A Race We Can Win"
Climate Action Summit, 23 September 2019
United Nations Headquarters, New York City, USA
September 12, 2019
Climate change is a global challenge with very local effects on people, communities, business and the environment.
"Climate change is the defining issue of our time and now is the defining moment to do something about it. There is still time to tackle climate change, but it will require an unprecedented effort from all sectors of society. To boost ambition and accelerate actions to implement the Paris Agreement on Climate Change, UN Secretary-General António Guterres will host the 2019 Climate Action Summit on 23 September to meet the climate challenge. The Summit will showcase a leap in collective national political ambition and it will demonstrate massive movements in the real economy in support of the agenda. Together, these developments will send strong market and political signals and inject momentum in the “race to the top” among countries, companies, cities and civil society that is needed to achieve the objectives of the Paris Agreement and the Sustainable Development Goals." (United Nations)
Follow the link below for details:

International Youth Day - United Nations
(August 12, 2019)
Young people around the world are the future of our planet.
What impact will this "human resource" have on global commerce?
August 12, 2019
Just over 23% of the world's current population of 7.7 billion (UN statistics, 2019) are aged 10 - 24. Economic development, rural to urban migration, municipal infrastructures, education & training, conservation and renewable energy sources are all affected by population growth. Young people have to be involved in helping to find solutions to these challenges. This is crucial in many ways but especially in the areas of positive community involvement, enhancing renewable energy options and the successful delivery of job creation initiatives. After all, our future and that of the generations to come depend on it.
"There are currently 1.8 billion young people between the ages of 10 and 24 in the world. This is the largest youth population ever. But 1 in 10 of the world’s children live in conflict zones and 24 million of them are out of school. Political instability, labour market challenges and limited space for political and civic participation have led to increasing isolation of youth in societies." (United Nations)
Follow the links below for details:

From The Past President/Chair/CEO's Desk
July 5, 2019
The HRPA Durham Spring/Summer 2019 Resource Magazine is now available. The issue is called Diversity and Inclusion. Please read my article on page 3.
Follow the link below for details:

An update on the new USMCA/NAFTA Agreement!
On June 19, 2019, Mexico became the first country to ratify the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement.
What are the U.S.A. and Canada going to do next?
June 20, 2019
Today, June 20, Prime Minister Trudeau and his delegation are meeting with President Trump and his delegation in Washington D.C. Iran, Mexico, trade with China in general and the implications of the Huawei affair will certainly be high up on the agenda. President Trump would like the U.S. Congress to ratify the USMCA before the summer recess. With President Trump facing a Democrat controlled Congress, Prime Minister Trudeau's public support for ratification of the USMCA will be an added boost. It can be safely said that Canada's USMCA ratification process will match the pace of the U.S.A.
In the meantime, global business will grapple with higher petroleum prices as a result of increasing tensions between the U.S.A. and Iran. This is combined with the continued uncertainty regarding the trade war between the world's two biggest economies (the U.S.A. and China).
Follow the links below for more details:

What joyous news!
Harry & Meghan, The Duke and Duchess of Sussex, were "safely delivered of a son" on May 6, 2019!!
As we congratulate them on the birth of their royal baby, it is a good time to review parental leave entitlements in the U.S.A. and Canada.
May 6, 2019
There is a significant difference in the benefits provided to new parents in North America. In this context, Canada is clearly more accommodating than its southern neighbour. A study completed by McGill University, Canada, has discovered and highlighted the differences.
The detrimental impact of unpaid leave on a new parent's ability to take parental leave must not be understated. Especially, in a workplace where employee benefits and not just salary can influence an individual's decision to stay with your organization. It may be time to dust off your parental leave policies and review them more favourably.
Follow the link below for more details:

Brexit Update!
The March 29 and April 12 exit deadlines have passed!!
Given the UK parliament's political turmoil Brexit has been delayed!!!
How is the continuing uncertainty affecting business and HR?
April 15, 2019
The EU has granted an extension to the United Kingdom until October 31, 2019. In a rare display of unity over Brexit, the UK parliament has agreed that leaving the EU without a deal is not an option. As an EU member the UK is now committed to holding European parliament elections in May, or leave on June 1 without a deal. The inability of the UK parliament to reach a consensus position on the "divorce" deal, makes contesting the European parliament elections a looming reality.
On an international scale, the incapacity of the UK parliament to decide is adversely affecting long-term inward investment, the status of EU citizens in Britain and the future location of industry or financial service assets in EU countries. At the same time, we must rely on a factional and adversial UK parliament to reach a consensus decison in the national interest before October 31.
Follow the links below for more details:

Robots and Artificial Intelligence (AI) are certainly a significant part of our uncharted future. Our reliance on and human interaction with this technology offers many benefits. Conversely it does prompt the question, there must be some cautionary tales worth mentioning?
March 2, 2019
A piece in the Australian Human Resources Institute (AHRI) publication www.hrmonline.co.au explores this perspective. The article was written by Kate Neilson and is titled "3 ways over-reliance on automation hurts humans."
It seems even with the elements of human error factored in. The qualities of adaptability to changing situations, problem solving, social interaction and empathy remain the undisputed territory of humans.
Follow the link below:

From The President/Chair/CEO's Desk
February 14, 2019
The HRPA Durham Winter 2019 Resource Magazine is now available. The issue is called Work Climate. Please read my article on page 3.
Follow the link below:

From The President/Chair/CEO's Desk
February 4, 2019
Congratulations to the HRPA Durham Chapter and Board Executive!! We were honoured to accept the award presented to Durham Chapter on January 29, 2019. We received the 2018 Chapter of Excellence - Satisfaction Award.
Follow the links below:

The Global Economy - How will it affect you?
January 2, 2019
It makes interesting listening and reading. I wonder how many of the predictions will come true?
Follow the links below:
"I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand."
A topical update on areas of interest!

The Global Economy - How will it affect you?
January 5, 2019
It makes interesting listening and reading. I wonder how many of the predictions will come true?

What is "Net Neutrality"?
Why should we be worried about its global impact?
Net/Network Neutrality: "The principle that Internet service providers should enable access to all content and applications regardless of the source, and without favoring or blocking particular products or websites."
December 16, 2017
On Thursday, December 14, 2017, the US Federal Communications Commission (FCC) voted to end net neutrality. Why is this so important?
Voltaire's words spring to mind at this point, "I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."
All internet content is currently given equal access by internet service providers (ISPs) and legal content is available to all internet users. Disruptive innovation from small emerging businesses could be stifled as the now level playing field, is divided between those who can pay huge sums for access and those who can't. The open free market competition that created Facebook and Netflix could be unfairly denied to future start-ups entering the marketplace. In short, any business with a larger and better funded competitor could also be subject to this access imbalance. The ability to express political opinions, support political parties, promote causes or defend legal rights could also be negatively impacted by the demise of net neutrality. We must all be aware and take a stance, it's either equal access for all or tiered access defined by an organization's ability to pay!!! The choice is ours?
The quotes below were taken from The Independent newspaper (UK) on December 15, 2017.
“Without Net Neutrality, cable and phone companies could carve the internet into fast and slow lanes,” warns Save the Internet, a coalition of organisations that have been calling for the preservation of the rules."
“An ISP could slow down its competitors’ content or block political opinions it disagreed with. ISPs could charge extra fees to the few content companies that could afford to pay for preferential treatment – relegating everyone else to a slower tier of service."
“This would destroy the open internet.”
For more information on Net Neutrality please visit these websites at:

United Nations - International Volunteer Day
December 5, 2017
“Volunteering is the ultimate exercise in democracy. You vote in elections once a year, but when you volunteer, you vote every day about the kind of community you want to live in.” — Unknown
December 4, 2017
Whether you volunteer or not, the UN - International Volunteer Day certainly makes you think about the subject?
What does voluntary work say about us as individuals? Perhaps an issue or cause has captured your attention and you are displaying leadership qualities by consciously deciding to help? Individuals often forget that they are providing service to others and the community by undertaking voluntary work in addition to their regular routine. A person may be expanding their horizons, network of people and resources because of their involvement in these activities? You could be having a positive influence on another person's life or vice versa or it could be mutually beneficial? Usually people continue to volunteer because it is interesting and fun. The scope can range from a single act of volunteering in a local community setting to volunteering regularly in a disaster relief area and both are equally valid. Whether it is a business or organization adhering to the ethos of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), a citizen interested in developing a more civil society, for humanitarian reasons or just helping a neighbour; these are all critical components of the volunteer experience.
There is a world of volunteering going on all around us every day. In many cases these services could not be provided without the contribution of volunteers. On December 5, the UN applauds and salutes all volunteers globally for their efforts.
For more information please visit the UN websites at:

We Live in an Interconnected World!
How Does One Become a Successful Global Human Resources Professional?
November 2, 2017
Dealing positively with cultural nuances, diversity and inclusion in multinational and geographically dispersed workplaces is a formidable task. The November 2017 issue of the Australian Human Resources Institute's HRM Magazine has a short article on this very relevant and worldwide topic.
Drawing on my experience and knowledge in this area, I have written a small piece providing some "Career Tips" on "Being a Global HR Professional". It can be found on page 43 of the HRM Magazine.
For more information please visit:
HRM Magazine | November 2017

Learning & Development
Networking and remaining up-to-date on business and the professions is a constant challenge! As we know, colleges, universities and professional associations are fertile ground for these activities!! What a wonderful bonus when they collaborate and form partnerships!!!
October 5, 2017
As an alumnus of Aston University, Birmingham City University and McGill University, I feel deeply honoured. All three have unique collaborative ventures with several business and professional bodies. On this occasion, the focus of this piece is Aston University.
On October 5, 2017, Aston University hosted an Alumni Reception in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. During the event Aston's Pro-Vice-Chancellor and Executive Dean, Professor Simon Green updated the audience on Aston's developments. I was present at this successful soiree.
Aston University: "Tried, tested and triple accredited. We are in the top 1% of business schools worldwide with triple accreditation from AMBA, AACSB and EQUIS." "Choose any course, from undergraduate to DBA, and learn what makes Aston the University for Business and the professions."
I have the distinct privilege of a small mention on page 43 of their latest Aston in Touch Magazine 2017.
For more information on Aston University please visit:
Aston Magaziine
- http://www.aston.ac.uk/alumni/news/magazine/
Aston Business School - http://www.aston.ac.uk/aston-business-school/

People management skills in disaster preparedness, emergency relief delivery and support, and the ability to perform “nimble diplomatic gymnastics” are all certainly at a premium.
September 5, 2017
International risk management has dramatically moved centre stage with two recent natural disasters in Texas, USA, and the other in South Asia (Bangladesh, Nepal and India). This highlights the undeniable impact of global warming. It also shows how non-operational refineries, due to a natural disaster, raise petroleum prices around the world. Thus affecting trade, commerce and everyday life for over 7 billion people. Add to that the potential for a man-made nuclear disaster courtesy of North Korean leader Kim Jong-un. To paraphrase a Chinese proverb, “[we certainly] live in interesting times.” The UN and the international community must meet the challenge of navigating their way through these all-encompassing global events. People management skills in disaster preparedness, emergency relief delivery and support, and the ability to perform “nimble diplomatic gymnastics” are all certainly at a premium.
For more information on the impact of these global events visit:
Hurricane Harvey - http://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-41143979
South Asia Flooding https://www.theguardian.com/world/2017/aug/30/mumbai-paralysed-by-floods-as-india-and-region-hit-by-worst-monsoon-rains-in-years
South Asia Flooding https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2017/sep/04/floods-drought-season-mumbai-india-extreme-weather
North Korea Missile Testing - http://www.cbc.ca/news/world/north-korea-hydrogen-bomb-claim-options-1.4274518
North Korea Missile Testing - http://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-41152509

How to manage expectations: from onboarding to promotion?
The Australian HR Institute (AHRI) has some interesting ideas!!!
August 2, 2017
The challenge remains to deliver and mutually understand basic expectations from the perspective of the employee and employer. I look to the words of Confucius for inspiration on this point, “Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated.”
Although some of the references in this article are clearly to the Australian context, the majority of the suggestions are equally relevant to a global audience.
Interested? Follow the link for further details:

Brexit - United Kingdom's departure from the European Union
How will this affect business from a HR perspective?
July 10, 2017
The Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) explores the post Brexit landscape.
For further discussion on this and other topics please visit the CIPD Community website:

Ernest Ogunleye, President
Human Resources Professionals Association Durham
June 6, 2017
It is with humility, a sense of gravitas and feeling deeply honoured that I assume the Presidency of the Human Resources Professionals Association Durham Chapter (HRPA Durham). I am very pleased as the Owner & Principal Consultant of EON Performance Solutions to be fortunate enough to accommodate this new role.
This is after two years as a HRPA Durham Director, Chair of the Student Relations/Education Committee and 18 months as Chair of the Mentorship Committee. Prior to this, I also completed two years as the Director of Government Affairs Liaison on the HRPA Halton Board. I am now moving on to the Presidency of HRPA Durham.
George Bernard Shaw once said, “We are made wise not by the recollection of our past, but by the responsibility for our future.” I hope to build on the legacy of many past Presidents (Durham & Halton) by guiding HRPA Durham, with support from the Board, through future challenges. It is very clear to me that HR, Learning & Development and Management Consulting are constantly evolving. People management solutions are of global importance and so innovation is not restricted to any individual, association or continent. That is why I am glad, through my professional memberships, to have access to approximately 186,000 HR practitioners and their resources around the world.
HRPA has 23,000 members (Ontario, Canada), CIPD has 143,000 members (UK & globally) and AHRI has 20,000 members (Australia). I have also worked in Québec, Canada, where the CRHA has 10,000 members (Ordre des conseillers en ressources humaines agréés du Québec). As we at HRPA Durham embark on the next stage of this great adventure the words of Emelia Earhart spring to mind, “Never interrupt someone doing what you said couldn't be done.”
HRPA Member (Ontario, Canada)
CIPD Member - Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (UK & globally)
AHRI Member - Australian HR Institute
Ernest has also worked in Québec.
CRHA - L'Ordre des conseillers en ressources humaines agréés (Québec, Canada)
http://www.portailrh.org/ (en français)

What is coming next in the "ransonware" saga?
Have you completed an IT security audit? Are you prepared for what the future has in store?
May 16, 2017
This article was written in January 2017 and in the wake of the "ransomware" cyberattack that has hit companies and governments around the world, it seems more relevant than ever. Experts according to CBC, CNN and BBC reports believe new versions could emerge.
For more information please visit this website at:

Can do better!!!
Whether it’s a momentary mishap or an ongoing concern, why do some staff fail to perform?
And what can an employer do about it?
[Basically, mea culpa and this is the action plan to avoid it happening again in the future!!!!]
May 2, 2017
“Ability is what you're capable of doing. Motivation determines what you do. Attitude determines how well you do it."
Lou Holtz (American Football Player & Coach)
A perfect example of a "momentary mishap".........
The 2017 Oscars has dramatically shown how human error regarding "a single envelope" can disrupt a high profile and prestigious event. In a statement, PwC said he [the PwC employee] "mistakenly handed [them] the back-up envelope for actress in a leading role instead." Apparently the PwC employee responsible for the error was tweeting on his cell phone only moments before. How appropriate that PwC used twitter to acknowledge the mistake and apologise. It also appears that PwC will be completing a detailed review of procedures before their 84th year officiating at the 2018 Oscars. PwC as the employer, seems to have acted in a timely and professional manner following this mishap.

Blockchain technology and its impact on Human Resources?
The emerging world of "secure files", crypto-currency, direct person-to-person payment systems and Bitcoins.
April 2, 2017
“If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough.”
Albert Einstein
Please read this interesting, straightforward and reader-friendly article at:

Learning & Development
Do you have venue and travel costs in your training budget?
March 2, 2017
As the snow thaws, allowing winter to seamlessly transition into spring, our thoughts stray to outside activities other than winter sports.
There is some good news. It may be possible to stretch your Learning & Development budget a little further? Are you planning any team building events, employee wellness activities, training opportunities, regional meetings or conferences in 2017? If you are, why not use Canada Parks and Historic Sites as your venue?
Canada is celebrating its 150th Birthday in 2017 (1867-2017). All Canada National Parks and National Historic Sites are free. Canada Parks is providing a free “2017 Discovery Pass” which allows unrestricted entry to all locations (subject to parking or any additional fees above admission). The offer applies to Canadian citizens and international visitors in equal measure.
From Ukkusiksalik National Park (Nunavut) in the extreme north to Fort Rodd Hill & Fisgard Lighthouse National Historic Site (British Columbia) in the south. From the Fortifications of Québec National Historic Site in the east to Abbot Pass Refuge Cabin National Historic Site (Alberta) in the west. The historic sites and natural landscapes of Canada are open to you!!!!
The 2017 Discovery Pass is valid from January 1st 2017 to December 31st 2017.
To find out more go to : http://www.pc.gc.ca/eng/voyage-travel/admission.aspx

Managing Your Career in a Rapidly Changing World
February 2, 2017
Your career is in your hands and a world of opportunities await you.
Read my article for the Human Resources Professionals Association's Resource Magazine for more details.
The Global Economy - How will it affect you?
January 20, 2017
It makes interesting listening and reading. I wonder how many of the predictions will come true?
"I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand."
A topical update on areas of interest!

The Legalization of Cannabis in Canada!
What impact will this have on business in Ontario and Durham Region?
December 3, 2018
The November 2018 edition of the Whitby Chamber of Commerce magazine Chamber Insider is now available. According to Michael Kadonoff, CEO Braingrid, “Cannabis is one of the best examples of where Canada's actually leading the world.” Please read my article on page 12 for more details.
Follow the link below:

From The President/Chair/CEO's Desk
November 9, 2018
The HRPA Durham Fall 2018 Resource Magazine is now available. The issue is called Mental Health a Workplace Priority. Please read my article on page 3.
Follow the link below:

As we celebrate UNESCO's World Teacher's Day on October 5, 2018; the mounting importance of lifelong learning in our working lives has never been more obvious.
Learning for the 21st Century, what are the options?
October 5, 2018
I start with a quotation that connects very well with UNESCO. "Knowledge is power. Information is liberating. Education is the premise of progress, in every society, in every family."
Kofi Annan, Diplomat and seventh Secretary-General of the UN (1938 – 2018)
In 2017 The Economist produced a special report called,"Lifelong learning is becoming an economic imperative." Andrew Palmer, the author, argued that the rapid advances in technology required stronger links to be made between learning and work. He believed a functional template was slowly evolving. In 2018 many of his points remain accurate and pertinent.
We are left with the question, what can be done? Thankfully, there is a clear answer! You must Keep Educating Yourself as it's obviously the KEY to continued success.
Follow the links below for more information:

An Employee Value Proposition (EVP) - Why is it important?
Do we need one? Thankfully, there is a guide on how to create one!!
September 7, 2018
The search for an effective Employee Value Proposition (EVP) is a challenging one but well worth the effort. Research has shown again and again that engaged employees really add to an improved working environment and a better bottom line. I hope that more businesses are inspired to create, sustain and enhance their EVPs.
Minchington (2005) defines an employee value proposition (EVP) (or employer value proposition) as a set of associations and offerings provided by an organization in return for the skills, capabilities and experiences an employee brings to the organization. The EVP is an employee-centered approach that is aligned to existing, integrated workforce planning strategies because it has been informed by existing employees and the external target audience. An EVP must be unique, relevant and compelling if it is to act as a key driver of talent attraction, engagement and retention.
"We cannot forever hide the truth about ourselves, from ourselves."
John McCain (US Senator, 1936 - 2018)
Follow the link below for more information:

NAFTA Update - Beyond NAFTA Canada and Mexico must find new markets!!!
August 8, 2018
Can the current tripartite agreement between Canada, Mexico and the USA be salvaged? Perhaps a new NAFTA accord can "rise phoenix like from the ashes", we can only wait and see?
Goods, Customs, NAFTA agencies , Services and the Movement of skilled labour on demand are all on the table . The USA has been pursuing independent talks with Mexico on NAFTA for the last two weeks, just before the latest round of joint talks between Canada, Mexico and the USA resume at an unspecified date. Canada is also holding high level unilateral NAFTA strategy talks in Ottawa on August 8, 2018.
Given the current economic uncertainty, it is prudent for Canada and Mexico to explore and develop new global markets.
Follow the links below for more information:

Released Today - The Latest Update by the UK Government on Brexit!
"The United Kingdom’s exit from and new partnership with the European Union White Paper"!!
July 12, 2018
Catch up on the latest UK Government Brexit proposals for Goods, Customs,
EU agencies, Services and Freedom of Movement. The clock is ticking down to March 29, 2019. Almost eight and a half months beforehand a proposal document has been published by the UK Government. The UK and EU now have to negotiate a practical and binding agreement. This will be a challenging, complicated and a deadline focused process. The only certainty is that developments will be observed by all stakeholders with mounting interest.
Follow the links below:

From The President/Chair/CEO's Desk
June 14, 2018
The HRPA Durham Spring/Summer 2018 Resource Magazine is now available. The issue is called Working Together to Create Safe Workplaces. Please read my article on page 3.
Follow the link below:

Lights, Camera, Action!!
Global Community Action vs Unilateral Country Action
May 9, 2018
The big issue is do we resolve key international disputes as a global community or do countries act unilaterally and purely out of self interest?
The NAFTA renegotiation, the continuing China - USA trade dispute, the United States withdrawal from the Iran Nuclear Deal (May 8), the three US citizens released from North Korea (May 9) and a USA and North Korea Summit appearing to be imminent; we must ask ourselves, what next is in store and are international treaties binding?
Petroleum prices, world economies, jobs and individual livelihoods are hanging on events to come.
The words of Mark Twain spring to mind, “Truth is stranger than fiction, but it is because Fiction is obliged to stick to possibilities; Truth isn't.”

Halfway to exit on March 29, 2019!!!!
Be aware, be very aware !!!
April 5, 2018
The Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) has a comprehensive website giving information on how Brexit will affect businesses.
The BBC has extensive content too. "Brexit: All you need to know about the UK leaving the EU."
European Union (EU) has important coverage of Brexit on its website as well.

From the USA to Singapore, what challenges do we face and where are the victories?
March 13, 2018
"The heads of HR associations from all over the world speak about the future of the profession, and how work itself is transforming." (HRM magazine, Australian HR Institute)
"Around the globe, HR is on the frontline of dramatic workforce changes. HRM spoke to the heads of HR associations in the UK, USA, Canada, Singapore and Australia to find out about regional challenges and shared goals."
Read their views by following the link below:
(Please note, there is a 30-day free trial that allows you to read this and other articles in the HRM magazine)

From The President's Desk!
February 6, 2018
The HRPA Durham Winter 2018 Resource Magazine is now available. The issue is called Managing Workplace Change. Please read my article on page 3.
Follow the link below:

The 2018 Global Economy - How will it affect you?
January 2, 2018
It makes interesting reading and viewing. I am pondering how many of the predictions will come true?